
  • Morley Classic Switchless Wah

    Morley 20/20 Classic Switchless Wah

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  • Morley 20/20 Volume Plus

    Morley 20/20 Volume Plus

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  • Morley 20/20 Power Wah Volume

    Morley 20/20 Power Wah Volume

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  • MorleyLeadWahBoost

    Morley 20/20 Lead Wah Boost

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  • Morley/DistortionWah

    Morley 20/20 Distortion Wah

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  • Morley/PowerFuzz

    Morley 20/20 Power Fuzz Wah

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  • Morley/WahLock

    Morley 20/20 Wah Lock

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  • Morley/BadHorsieWah

    Morley 20/20 Bad Horsie Wah

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  • Morley Classic Power Fuzz Wah

    Morley Classic Power Fuzz Wah

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Morley is a U.S.-based company renowned for its high-quality guitar effect pedals, particularly wah-wah and volume pedals. Founded in the 1960s by brothers Raymond and Marvin Lubow in Los Angeles, they began by developing innovative sound modification devices, including the “oil can delay”. These early products were sold under the name Tel-Ray Electronics. In the 1970s, Morley introduced a range of pedals utilizing electro-optical circuits instead of traditional potentiometers. This design reduced wear and eliminated unwanted noise, resulting in more durable and reliable pedals. The company was also known for its robust, chrome-plated housings and innovative features, such as the first compact rotating effect pedals and early forms of delay effects.

Switchless wah pedals

In 1989, the Lubow brothers sold the company to Accutronics, after which Morley restructured its product line and introduced new models. Notable innovations included the introduction of “switchless” wah pedals, which eliminated the need for a switch and enhanced ease of use for musicians. Morley collaborated with various artists to develop signature pedals, including the “Bad Horsie” for Steve Vai and the “Power Wah” for Mark Tremonti. 

50th anniversary

In 2019, Morley celebrated its 50th anniversary and introduced the 20/20 series, a lineup that reissued the most popular models in a more compact form factor, while retaining the signature electro-optical technology and rugged construction. Today, Morley continues to innovate, producing a wide range of effect pedals and audio products for both professional musicians and enthusiasts.